An Overview of the AMRUT Scheme
Launched to Address Urban Challenges:
AMRUT (Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation) is a Government of India scheme launched in 2015 to improve urban infrastructure.
It aimed to address challenges in water supply, sanitation, pollution, and green spaces in 500 cities.
Goals of AMRUT:
Provide reliable water connections and sewerage systems to all households.
Enhance cities with parks and greenery.
Reduce pollution by promoting public transport and non-motorised options.
Funding and Progress:
AMRUT 1.0 (2015-2020) had a total outlay of ₹50,000 crore.
AMRUT 2.0 (2021-2026) has a larger outlay of ₹2,99,000 crore.
As of May 2024, over ₹83,000 crore has been used for water connections, sewerage, parks, and LED streetlights.
Challenges Remain:
Despite progress, millions lack piped water and sanitation access in urban India.
Water quality and air quality remain significant concerns.
A 2024 NITI Aayog report warns of water scarcity for 40% of the population by 2030.
Reasons for Challenges:
The scheme focused on individual projects rather than a comprehensive urban development approach.
Limited participation from city governments and a dominance of central authorities and private interests.
AMRUT Scheme