Moore’s Law is a theory that was raised by one of the founders of Intel in 1965, Gordon Moore.
“Moore observed that the number of transistors that could be fabricated on an integrated circuit was doubling every two years or so. He predicted that this exponential process would continue for 10 years, i.e. to 1975.
The principal way that Moore’s Law has been delivered is by making transistors smaller. Smaller transistors are faster, more energy-efficient.
Moore's Law UPSC
Is the Theory still accurate today
Depending on who you ask, Moore’s Law is either continuing to prove accurate and will keep doing this for years, or it is a theory that can no longer stand the test of time as technology develops further. As Moore’s Law is to do with the number of transistors on a chip, even with technological advancements, it becomes harder to implement each time it happens. There are physical limitations.